Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2015 Sunday -- Afternoon Snooze

We're in the little downstairs guest room. It the only room that's available during the remodel. This is the second time we've come for a weekend visit since the remodel began. I think we are actually managing better this trip. Possibly we are adjusting. 

We've crammed more into this little guest room than most people would think is possible. Functioning without a kitchen is very interesting, especially with three dogs to feed. 

This weekend we have no hot water because the new hot water heater is not yet installed and the old one has been removed. Hopefully by our next visit in a couple of weeks hot water will be available.

Of the five of us, four are snoozing. I am grading student papers, actually quizzes, when the thought to take a photo completely distracted me from grading student work.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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