Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Sunrise on a Sad Day

It was while waiting for the sun to come up this morning that I read the text message telling me that my eldest sister had taken a serious turn for the worst and that all family members should make their way to the hospital pronto. Dropping everything and rushing home to leave the gear off I turned around and drove back to the railway station. When I arrived at the hospital I was told that as soon as the clan had gathered, the doctors would turn off the life support system as there was no point in keeping it going. She passed away just after 1pm before the plug was pulled.
My heartfelt thanks to you all for your prayers and good wishes ever since I let you know that she was so very ill.
Now then, with the funeral coming up and then my light to Finland, I am going to be out of circulation for a little over a week and won't be posting anything until I get back. Apologies in advance but I know you guys will understand.
It is a sad time for all the family but for sure the sun will rise again tomorrow and life will go on, unfortunately without Monica.

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