
By DawnAgain


I noticed this juvenile Fly agaric nestling against a tree over the common while walking the dogs this morning and thought it was rather cute. The sunny walk was a pleasant interlude in a busy day. The electrician was here all day fitting the central heating programmer.  As is always the case, it wasn't straightforward and the sparks (as they're called in the trade) had to cancel all his other bookings for the day and head off out to find a wireless system due to the nature of the installation.  True to her usual form Polly barked pretty much the whole time he was here but, for once, Mr DawnAgain (who was working from home) got the brunt of it.

I had to pop my car back to the garage to have the indicator repeater replaced and my MOT certificate issued. This time I didn't have to walk home after dropping my car off and then walk back again later to collect it. Instead I spent a pleasant 15 minutes in the garage waiting area (who knew they had one?) with a coffee and the June/July issue of the Haslemere Magazine.

And this afternoon I went down to Winchester to meet with my supervisor (in the Learning Cafe, as always). We went through the changes I need to make to my case study (nothing major) and agreed a date for my upgrade viva, just after Christmas (subject to the chair and external assessor being free that day).That'll be the day I find out if I have enough of a project to take it all the way to a PhD thesis...yikes.

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