I like big butts....

Left 2 on carting in bales,picked up wee brother,and we headed off to a farm at Duns to look an Angus bull. Maybe not quite as long as I would have liked,but should be an easy calving bull to put to heifers. A price was struck,hands shaken,deal done.They will deliver him in a week or two.
Took a different route home,up over the Lammermuir Hills,via Longformacus to Gifford. It was a beautiful day,and a stunning view.
Spotted a line of beaters working  grouse towards the guns hidden in the butts across the heather. Think this was on part of Mayshiel Estate. This line of butts were fairly new and posh looking.
The ones on our hill are derelict now,not seeing use since the Estate was in its heyday.

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