The end is nigh.

Don't know if you remember my post about the blood donor problems but last time I gave a full 0.46L (just under 1pt) was January, my 71st donation.
Since then I had two failed attempts with my right arm, the Blood and Transplant service said they expect it's the scar tissue build up. The sister said that they would have to take my right arm off the documentation. Left arm has always been a problem because the veins are not very straight, 'Too Wiggly' one sister described them.
Tried again with my left arm and a large Haematoma occurred, about the size of a Cadburys cream egg, so they had to abandon that one as well.
Tried again this evening with the left arm, another haematoma but a lot smaller than last time. I was asked if I felt ok to carry on because the blood was flowing and I said yes because I felt fine.
They were very concerned and 4 different ones came across to check on me during the donation and at the end I was given a pamphlet about bruising and what to do if I felt unwell.
I was told I would develop an extensive bruise up and down the arm but as you can see it is fine, no bruise at all so far but that is not uncommon for me.
Before my drink (no tea or coffee as it was in the Mormon Latter Day Saints church) I went to the loo because you have to drink lots of water before you go to the donor centre and just before so I was bursting! I was a long time and came out to find a nurse in the corridor who was hanging around to make sure I was ok.
Sat and had a cup of squash, biscuit and left after saying thank you to the team for their concern and for being gentle with me :-)
I didn't tell them I was on my motorbike, they would have probably got me a taxi otherwise!

So, I don't think I have a future as a blood donor but I have now made 72 donations since 1977. A few of those years I couldn't donate because of places I'd visited and lived, mostly around the Middle East and North Africa, but I was hoping to make it to 75. Ma'alesh, Al-Haya Keda (Arabic for Never mind, Such is life).

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