Tony Burke's PhotoJournal

By TonyBurke

The disruption of a fire alarm

A fire alarm went off at the university at around 12.15 today, which meant that the whole campus had to be evacuated. Everyone is supposed to trek a few hundred yards down the road to St. Marylebone Church to assemble, but of course very few people do. What most people do is hover in the immediate vicinity of the building causing chaos for pedestrians and drivers alike.

I suppose I should follow the official line and say how irresponsible this is, but I'm afraid it's just too easy to castigate students and staff for not following the rules. Why not actually tackle the root cause of the problem? Everyone knows that the fire alarm has most likely been set off accidentally by the contractors currently working on campus. It happens at least once a week. What action is taken against the contractors? I'll bet no action whatsoever. I think they should be fined for the disruption they cause. It would stop the problem immediately. I was in the middle of a lecture and lost almost half an hour of a result of this. It's infuriating.

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