Camp Terror: Episode 8

Holly makes it back to the campsite after her shocking experience.

Holly (right): "Hank, oh Hank, Skyler's dead. I saw her, there was a monster it killed her".

Hank (left): "Slow down, Skyler's dead? Now hold up, what's going on"?

Holly: "I found Skyler, all chopped up and a hideous monster standing over her".

Hank: "A monster you say. Well, I think we're being pranked by Skyler and Flynn. I've not seen him for a while and I told him I didn't believe the stories about monsters in the wilderness. The two of them are winding us up using stage makeup and a monster costume is all".
Holly: "No, she's really dead, we need to leave and summon help".

Hank: "Tell you what, show me Skyler's body and the monster. I'll even bring my revolver if it makes you feel better. But I promise you it's all a gag",

Click here to start at episode 1

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