Stop !
Evening all,
Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.
Leonardo da Vinci
......and I have plenty spirit.....left my prints on the door at Mamma G's work when I went to pick her up.......well thats my story and I'm sticking to it lol ;0)
Big day tomorrow,,,,abseil off The Forth Bridge ...its finally here.....heading through about lunchtime then we'll see when we go go go !!!!!! Cant wait !! Can you tell lol ;o)
Will be blipped tommorrow.....if they manage to get me in the pic lol.....!!!;0)
Mini G is picking up new words everyday, her favourites just now are cat and bird(burd) but her conversation with her Mum was priceless.......
Elder G: look at the monkey (was on tv!)
Mini G : burd
Elder G: No its a monkey
Mini G: burd
Elder G: No ...look ..its a monkey
Mini G: burd
Elder G Look at it ...its a monkey!
Mini G : burd
Elder G ; pretty sure its a monkey ....
Mini G ; Cat !!
So funny lol ;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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