What a day....

Important round of golf today. Up at 6.45am, out at 7.30am arrived at the golf club 7.45 for an 8.30am t time. Went to book in to be told that my t time was 2pm, went back home. I had phoned the golf course yesterday as theyhadn't text'd me my t time, they told me 8.30am, wrong. Arrived back at home at 8.15am and frightened Roy to death, he thought we were being burgled. Went back to bed.

So, set off for golf again, at 1pm, my 2 playing partners arrived, 1 spanish lady and a young girl with an old man. It transpired that the old man was the father of the girl, he is 86 she is 14, she is his 4th child by his 4th wife. The wife is Indonesian, his other chidlren are twin boys 56, a girl 48 another boy of 38 and Natasha, he apparently is not having any more children!!!

She is an amazing golfer, she has a handicap of 3 and is sponsored by Niki. I didn´t qualify for the final tomorrow missed out by 4 points, I am not upset. I played in the final of this comp last year and came 2nd, also got a 'hole in one', so been there, done that. I did however win this rather nice travel bag, which I might donate to Sarah, also more golf balls and a couple of hats.

Arrived home at 8pm, quick shower, then off to our favourite Spanish restaurant, to watch the game, steamed mussels, a fish paella and some decent red wine, lovely.

Sarah, I spoke to Carlos and you are more than welcome to visit in August and go in the kitchen and take photos of the staff.

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