Giving this a go...

By Debiives

The seaside

We've had a great day out today. Cameron was playing in a rugby tournament in Brighton where his team did really well (he played for the U9s again as he was the only U7 again). He is getting a bit more confident and was getting a bit more stuck in as the games went on.

Afterwards we went down to the beach. I'd never been to Brighton before and didn't really know what to expect. For some reason I thought the beach was sandy and a bit stony so that was the first surprise! I also couldn't believe how busy it was everywhere (except on the beach) and how expensive it was to park. It would have cost us £15 to park on the seafront (and even more in town) but we got lucky and after waiting for a car to leave a space the driver gave us his ticket which still had over 4 hours on it!

We walked through the arcades on the pier, let the boys go on a couple of rides and then walked along the beach. It wasn't as sunny as in the morning and very windy so we couldn't play much. Then we got fish and chips which I said we had to eat on the beach. BAD IDEA!! We were sitting peacefully then all of a sudden a huge seagull stealth bombed Ross from behind and tried to make off with his whole bit of fish (luckily for Ross it broke), then we were surrounded by about 40 of them! They were huge and scary. We all got up and tried to go back to the cafe but 1 went for my fish which I was holding close to my chest- I've never been so close to a seagull's face or so scared! I screamed and ran away! Then Andrew stopped to pick up a chip that C had dropped and about 10 gulls went for him too! I thought they were going to pick him up and fly off with him! Thankfully we made it to the inside of the cafe with most of our tea still intact.

Home at 9pm, both boys sound asleep and in bed fully clothed and filthy!

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