
By FarmerGirl

Bee Careful

I saw the beekeeper over at this hives this afternoon, so I grabbed my camera and took a walk over the farm to where he was.  I stood talking to him for a while, listening about the ins and outs of bee farming.  It seems so complicated - but I suppose that's like any business.

The bees were a bit  wild today, apparently due to the overcast weather conditions.  The bees were flying around everywhere - he told me I was keen getting so close to the action (I was close only to get that 'perfect'
photo).  I really had no fear - that was until a couple of bees got stuck in my hair.  He kindly picked the bees out of my hair, then proceeds to 'smoke' me with his fancy contraption to get rid of the other bees buzzing around me.  At that stage I decided to leave him to it - after all I had my photo, and was now smelling of smoke!

It's great having the hives on the farm - it helps him with the bees producing honey, and us, the Farmer helping pollinate the clover and other flowers around the farm.  It's a win win situation. 

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