Titley Times

By racheltitley


At least that's what it looked like he was doing - tiddler built a nest between the footstools and the sofa, with a couple of cushions and a blanket - if only he'd stopped talking the whole time he was doing it!

Last night was made more interesting by eldest projectile puking from the top bunk atheist before midnight. This led to a half hour tidy up including partially stripping tiddler's bedding from the bunk below. He seems fine today, although old enough to be reticent about eating or drinking too much as he didn't want to be sick again.

So a quiet day at home catching up on some tidying up. I managed to clear some space in tiddler's clothes drawer (he appears to have grown too much recently) on the back of a promise of some new clothes and to do some tidying. Hubby managed to put the surround sound system back in the living room - all ready for tomorrow's footie match.

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