
By Fido

Win some, lose some

A while back we painted a blackboard onto one of the walls in our kitchen. For the most part it has been really useful and good fun but I have discovered a down side.

Tonight when I went back to the kitchen after putting the little ones to bed I discovered this drawing (of a person who is speaking or maybe shouting and who has been crossed out) along with the lovely phrase 'I hat(e) you'.

No idea what the problem was but the older of the two must have had an issue with my lovely husband or I at some point post tea, pre bed. If I had to guess I'd say it was probably something to do with us saying no to more playtime and enforcing a shower (honesty the boy had a snake face painted on him, he needed a wash) but I couldn't be totally sure.

Anyway, whatever the issue had been it was clearly all forgotten by bedtime when goodnight cuddles were liberally given.

I'm in two minds whether to replace the picture with a big smiley face before morning, that could go either way.

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