
Today's photography prompt. So this afternoon seemed a perfect time to let Stella play with a brand new ball. Sent to her for review on the blog it's a big Kong tennis ball and even has a squeaker. Can't go wrong with this I thought. Will have to prise it away from her I thought.

Unimpressed doesn't even cover it! She was excited when I took it out of the box; excited to see it was bright yellow, excited that I was going to throw it; but, it seemed to completely bemuse her that it squeaked when she picked it up! She put it back down and left it to go in search of her faithful battered old ball. Bless her heart. 

I can't decide whether she's finally grown out of needing to kill everything that squeaks or if she just thinks balls shouldn't squeak!

In house news; electrical and gas safety tests booked...on the same day...go me! Still no further forward on the driveway access issue even with me, the estate agent, and, both solicitors on the case with the council. Feels like we're all going round in circles but at least I have a case number so if it's still not resolved by the time we need to move further forward they can't say I hadn't tried!

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