Skip's Blips

By Skip

Fabulous Friday Faces revisited

In December 2013, I started a regular project I called Friday Faces, so named because every Friday I would strike up a conversation with a stranger in the park (or wherever I happened to be), and invite them to help me with my Friday Faces project. If they agree (and almost everyone does), I take their picture and post it in my blip journal. Since early summer, I have been more than a little lax about keeping up with the project, but the time has come to get it going again. So with a few differences that I will explain next week, here we are again with a new Friday Face...two actually if you count the pup. 

I met Aggie on Saturday afternoon when she was walking in the park with her husband and the adorable Winston. She has just retired, and, as we walked, she explained that she loves nature and is looking forward to taking a lot of walks in the park. Thanks, Aggie, for being so good-natured about posing for a photo opp.

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