Home Sweet Home

In the queue for the 07:00 ferry from Kirkwall this morning. That big lorryload came with us. A late and disastrous summer left farmers without sufficient feed and bedding and they must needs import it. Financial assistance has been found to offset some of the haulage costs but as you may be able to tell from the size of this thing, it's a costly business. This load had to squeeze on board, literally touching the roof of the  car deck. It also had to be loaded at the wrong end causing us a need to back on. Much embarrassment ensued. It's not an easy thing to do with no rear view mirror and people assuming it's a right hand drive vehicle and giving instructions to the wrong side...

Anyway. We are home. Tired. The van is all but fully unpacked for the winter, the first load of laundry is on and  Ted has at long last used his litter tray on terra firma. Happy cat.  We are having our first decent brew of coffee in ten days. Most welcome.

Backblips follow as soon as I work out how to access them (thereby hangs a tale of woe.)

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