These were given to me 2 weeks ago by my daughter K , but they had got a bit jaded looking , so I stripped the dead leaves off and put a bit to gypsophila with them and hey presto I have a new bouquet ! My mother loved Chrysanthemums especially the round Pom Pom ones.
Meaning if anyone is interested??
In Victorian language of flowers each colour had a meaning ::
Yellow -- gently declining amorous advances!!
Red -- proposition , invitation to ignite a new relationship !
White -- to tell the truth, be honest, a request for complete candour!
Greek -- prefix Chrysos meaning golden ( original colour) symbolises -- optimism and joy!
In Asia today -- embraces the idea of long life and rebirth!
Japan reserves the white ones for funerals
In china the chrysanthemum goes back to the 15 th century
( well it would wouldn't it !! )
Meaning October flower, it is the emblem of the Chinese army, I suppose that's because they think of the flower as being a noble plant along with the Orchid, Bamboo and Plum!
To them it means Angel flower.
Facts may come in useful to you pub quiz nighters!!!!.,
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