Road trip

Soooo.................... today I went to work with Ann because my very lovely dog sitters have gone to France.  Just how annoying is that?  I love Saturdays with my dog sitters.

And because I went to work with Ann, we haven’t done anything very interesting today, so have nothing to Blip.

However, tomorrow we are off on a bit of a ‘road trip’ and I’m hoping to go on lots of big, long, walks in new places. 

So due to lack of Blipping opportunities.................  Ann decided to be ‘arty farty’ and photograph one of my paws for my blip today??!!

Apparently we are going to be driving at least 1,400 miles over the next 12 days and I don’t even like the car.

And now it’s ‘competition time’......................  I wonder if any of you lovely Blippers can guess where our first overnight stay is going to be?

Answers on a postcard BLIP.  All will be revealed tomorrow.

Toodles. xx

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