Omneberget (Omne Crag) - Autumn reflections

Omneberget (Omne Crag)
I drive past Omneberget every time I go to Mjällom to sail or to work on the boat. Today I was covering the boat up for the winter and as I drove by the forest at the base of the crag was looking particularly beautiful in its autumn colours. Reflections in the calm water just added to  the beauty.
This blip seems to be turning into a tradition as I blipped a very similar photo (minus reflections) a year ago.  Janhar blipped a view out to sea from the top of this crag in the spring.
Omneberget is a nature reserve and one reason is this steep cliff that faces south and catches any sun there is to catch. Plants grow here that otherwise only grow much further south and  spring flowers can be found here while most of the surrounding area is still covered in snow.

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