
By snailspace

Backblip 7th October: Lossiemouth

The original plan involved doing the Drumin Circular before leaving Glenlivet and then driving up to Lossiemouth to do the Forest by the Firth Trail, with a Fish and Chip supper thrown in before moving to the West Beach to sleep on the car park on the front.

Drumin Circular, second circuit remained on the cards until we saw the weather. 

We went to Aberlour to collect provisions.

Heavy rain truncated our walk at Lossie, where we both got a thorough soaking, with the rain creeping up underneath my waterproof jacket. Even the chip supper was abandoned. 

I tried to take photos of the wonderful waves, but they were raindrop-spattered. I tried to take photos of planes coming in to land but there was insufficient light and the images are grainy. Overall, I took a great many awful photos on this trip!

The sun finally emerged in a narrow band of clear sky just as it was setting. Literally one minute of sun. Then it was gone.

We had a noisy night - between the usual high energy sea at Lossie and the "War Games" activity but worst of all was the constant coming and going of cars with booming bass speakers going full tilt. Seemingly there was some kind of cult activity associated with the planes - and rows of young men were to be seen, holding electronic devices (we assumed trackers)

5th October (filler for 6th)
5th October
4th October
3rd October
2nd October
1st October

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