Spoilt again

Today was the 30th birthday celebration for our favourite pet shop and as you can see Stella was pleased we went.

I got to meet some like-minded humans and she got fussed to within an inch of her life and fed and fed and fed!

Lots of highlights and I will write more on Woof Wednesday...one was being introduced to a man that's involved with magnetic collars. They're made for humans, horses, and, now dogs. I won't go into the science bit now but you can find out more here :) 

As with anything there's no guarantee that I'll notice any improvement with Stella's well-being but it was convincing enough that I felt it worth a try. I do know it's impossible to kill her cancer but, if it make her arthritis and nerve damage a little easier to live with and she gets even a little more enjoyment out of walkies it will have been worth every penny.

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