Proud Weegie

By Shiv

The Steelmen...

...and Woman !

A Reunion of the Systems Development Department of Ravenscraig Steelworks.  I haven't seen these people for about 15 years and I had forgotten about their rapier like wit, and biting sarcasm.  

A few pre-curry beers in the Bon Accord pub and a chat about colleagues who are, sadly, no longer with us - or ones who couldn't make it along tonight.

L to R :   

Stewart L (the Big boss), who has completed all the Munros a record number of times - renowned for wearing a kilt to every Welsh meeting. 

 Marty - a killer at a hand of cards, biting sarcasm his speciality and took me to my first (and only) Scotland football game for King Kenny's last match.

Me -  'affectionately' called 'shithead' as a Nickname when on my first day I was told my name was too difficult and I would need a nickname -  naively I said "Anything starting 'SH...' would do'!  (I meant 'Shiv' of course!)

Groper McPherson - Lovely man but a terrible flirt at a Christmas party ! Had a great line in sporty cars!

Jimbo "Read it in the Manual" Bryans  - who would answer a technical question with the aforesaid quote!

Dougie (my boss) - loveliest man ever.  Liked a wee tea bisuit and jam with his morning cuppa.  Bottom draw of the filing cabinet stored the Nelson's Jam and a big jammy drip !

Larry - a gentleman.  Peddler of single cigarettes if you were going to a 2-cigarette or 3-cigarette meeting .

Robin C  - always a snappy dresser, his sister lives in the same village as my mum and dad and he had a number of Hillman Imps that he drove to work at Breakneck Speed along the M8.  He was my go-to guy for all car problems (and fixed a few in the Ravenscraig car park!)

These are only a small handful of the original crew but it was a very special evening with loads of laughs.

Best joke of the evening from Marty:

Q. How to you make a Ouija Board ?
A. Take away his drugs !!! 

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