Dreadful day, salvaged only by hard work and roast chicken.
Horrible dreams had me awake at 5am, heart pounding. Not even the Archers could get me to sleep again. At 7 I put down my book and got up, only to fall straight back down. I was dizzy, nauseous and unable to stand up until about 1pm. Not a fun way to spend a morning. (Though happily I can report that the Archers Omnibus (third time I had heard them all) finally did the trick at getting me some sleep.)
I did manage some sitting in the garden with a cool drink (though it was water rather than anything more fun), and then salvaged the day with lots of work. After all, if I'm going to have a lazy day sitting in the sun, I want to be on top form to enjoy it. So, the deck is mainly done, dirty clothes were processed, logs were sawed and progress was made on a planning application.
Actually, I have been looking, in idle moments, for the planning documents all week when today I figured I might as well check in the filing cabinet. Turns out I made a special file for them and everything! Perhaps I've been dream filing. Would explain some of the nightmares...
A roast dinner to make up with the kids, who I had shouted at earlier (justifiably, but somewhat monsterishly). Am I totally out of touch? Do kids now get away with doing nothing around the house? I'm not asking them to redecorate or clear dead mice out of traps, just put a plate in the dishwasher from time to time and occasionally arrange it so I can be reminded that their bedrooms have floors.
Anyway, I am feeling on more of an even keel tonight and will hopefully be 100% tomorrow. It's a bit of a wake up call, being debilitated like that.
Here's something from Minecraft world (Dracula, at a guess). Apparently something went wrong top left, hence CarbBoy has discarded it here. And is a useful reminder to get on with the kids' Halloween costumes...
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