Strange weather today - rain, then sunshine, more rain, more sun - you get the idea. It's sunny at the moment and this is Valentino on the windowsill. Not warm enough to have a kitty sunbathe but plenty of birds to watch.
It was 3 weeks yesterday when I got Valentino and Tigerlily and in the last week they finally seem to have settled down into a routine. They have their own little ways which I'm getting to know and they have started sleeping on my bed at night - which I like. They love to play with toys and Tigerlily has a favourite which is a feathery bird on elestic on the end of a stick. If she wants to play with it she stands beside it and cries. At 6am this morning I was woken by the toy's bell tinkling in my bedroom. Tigerlily had been downstairs and brought the toy up - I wasn't in the mood to play at 6am so she just played with it by herself. Running up and down the stairs with the bell madly tinkling all the time. Good fun for her but not for me. Neil, luckily, was oblivious to it.
Neil is having a quiet day after his long journeys over the last few days. He got in at 1am after his night out at the pub. Going out again tonight to watch the England match. I will watch it on TV at home. Good luck England.
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