Placid Casual

By Barnaby_Nutt

basque separatist movement

gosia's birthday tomorrow.

i've bought her (us) a bed


i bought her (us) new underwear

day off tomorrow and no plans to do anything...

now playing: 'the boy with the arab strap' by belle and sebastian.

diary notes to self:
25 year presentations today for mel and ennis. they went very well. i got so stressed, worrying about being funny and not screwing up in front of all those people. in the event and though i say it myself, i was great. i had people laughing from the first sentence and kept it going for 15 minutes or so.
loads of compliments afterwards from everyone there. such a buzz.
to think how worried i was about the whole thing...
it made me think of all those comedians you read about who are a real mess off-stage. the fear of failure etc.
i'm glad stuff like that only comes once a year.

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