Mau makan apa?

*In the run up to lunchtime*

Colleague: Rob, mau makan apa? (what do you want to eat?)
Me: Nasi rendang
Colleague: Not ayam goreng? (fried chicken)
Me: Ayam goreng is fine
In Indonesia they ask you what you want for lunch, don’t like the sound of it then suggest something else. In Cambodia they would ask you, order what their original plan was anyway, then stare at you blankly when you reacted to something you weren’t expecting.
Generalising is fun. But possibly a little harsh.
Asking was pointless anyway as I couldn’t eat the above, felt increasingly nauseous and vomited out of the car window on the way back to the hotel. That must have been a shock for other road users to see the only bule in town with his head sticking out and bobbing along like a rag doll.

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