Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Indiana Hollow and the Classroom of Doom

Science was cool today :)

I like to think that the conversations in the houses of my kids tonight will go along the lines of:
Kid: We watched Mr H cut up a heart today
Parent: Wow - what a terrific learning experience, he is cool.

However, I think it'll be more like:
Kid: We watched Mr H cut up a heart today
Parent: Hello, is that the Department of Education?  I'd like to report a psycho who's traumatised my child.

To be a fair, most of them found it fascinating.   It was voluntary, and I gave them an escape route if they wanted it, and most lasted fine.  It was when I squeezed it a lot to make it squelch and stuck my fingers out of the vena cava and aorta that some ran.  Couldn't help myself.

(It is currently bubbling away nicely in a red wine and herb sauce on the hob....yum!)

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