
By nagem

Uncle Huws angels!

Went to a 60th wedding anniversary in malvern, it took ages to get there so I did my driving homework on the way there and back. We had a three course meal.. r u ready for this bvfll! A ginger and carrot soup that I put too much pepper in :-( then carrots and roasties and a sticky toffee pudding and cake haha. We had to sit and make conversation with people we didnt know which mum loved. Charlotte even swapped round the placecards ! Charlotte also drank a glass of orange juice and white wine ! And got a bit giddy haha :-D. I tasted some wine but it was disgusting. Played with the selfie stick, as you can see Uncle Huw was thrilled to be using this contraption. Stan made a nice speech and I enjoyed seeing my cousin Elen again. Came homw just in time to change and go to the traffoed centre for an 18th party at TGI's. Me and Dana shared chicken wraps and chips and we got her a big millies cookie and got everyone to sing in the restaurant :-). I also then made everyone use the selfie stick because why not?! Then went bowling and on the dodgems.. my driving was really something although my back and bum were all sore today :-( . V eventful day!

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