Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Critique and comment

Took advantage of the drier weather this morning and filled the brown wheelie bin with this seasons weeds. With the two of us not being at 100% for the past few weeks the weeds had gotten a bit rampant.

After lunch Callum and I fired of on the bikes in search of another geocache, got it eventually but I guess the people that said it was easy hadn't been there when the bracken was up!!!

In the past week I've lost a couple of subscribers; no biggie, they ebb and they flow. What has irked me a bit is I reckon both have pressed the button because they didn't like some of the comments I've left on the forum. It's not that they'll be reading this as to be honest neither ever bothered their arse on my page anyway, but if you don't like what I say on the forum then say so. Discuss, and debate. It's not as if my comments were contentious or anything.

Anyway, this shot is what I do, say what you want. I'm big enough not to press the button for it.

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