At least the sun has his hat on today
It's a cracking day weatherwise, which is a Really Good Thing as the cat had a major indiscretion in my bed this morning. At least I was able to get the washing on immediately and out on to the line. It took the place of washing queued from the holiday and set efforts back a little.
I need to pick up a scrip from the doctor's so decided to do that while the laundry was washing and the bread dough rising. I had used up all of Mr L's full-fat milk in prepping lunch (Cheese Pudding) so was going to combine the GP with the Community Shop in Lady Village.
The car would not start.
The laundry, bread and lunch did not allow me time to walk to Lady, so I abandoned my scrip, donned my rucksack and grabbed my camera and walked out to Corses shop for some milk and salad etc. I was grateful for the weather and was able to walk out in shirt sleeves.
The day is so still that Bea Loch is like glass and was reflecting the colour of the harvested fields behind it. (The car in the field is the Orkney-patented Goose-scaring device. Do it work? What do you think!)
Not so bad walking then, but I could wish that it had been Thursday, or that the shop move happened yesterday rather than tomorrow. See today's Extra photos "Before and After" - this was my last visit to the old shop, which closes tonight ready to move the stock into the new shop, opening on Thursday. Once it opens I shall have less far to walk and waste less time in doing the walking, when I have need to be elsewhere.
The Cheese Pudding was delicious; the bread rolls are... lumpy; the car battery is on charge so I should be able to collect my scrip tomorrow; and the cat, bless him, is sleeping unaware of the havoc caused. Thankfully there have been no further explosive events.
I had hoped to be further ahead than I am with the chores and to spend some time today caching up with all your blips. Sadly events have overtaken me and also my PC is misbehaving and throwing memory errors. I had a hours long fight with it yesterday, trying to prepare images for a submission to my local camera club. Today the problem manifests in a continuing refusal to start up my browser.
I'll get to you. When I can. In the meantime, I'll be hanging out the washing-o.
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