Do you want to make a memory?

One of the reasons Mr A and I take selfies is to fill this frame.

We originally had the idea that we should keep mementoes from our various trips out and about; a pebble or shell from a beach, or maybe a fridge magnet or postcard from where we'd visited.

However, this brilliant idea came several months into our relationship, so we decided that a) it would be too much to try and gather stuff from all the places we'd already been to and b) we'd quickly run out of space for it all!

What we did have though from each place we'd visited was a selfie, and this frame is a lovely reminder of the places we visit and the things we do.

It's been 12 months since we changed the photos; after the last American trip, so it's time to have a swap about and put some of this years antics in there. I've not changed them all, but some just had to be there, even though it was tough choosing which to replace. Mr A suggested buying another frame!

I'm already looking forward to the next lot of selfies :-)

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