
By DawnAgain


And here we have Basil and Polly assuming their usual positions while I cook the dinner. You will notice that their bowls are empty - not because they haven't been fed but because they've already eaten their dinner. I do wonder how much they'd eat if I gave them a free rein.

In other news, another ridiculously busy morning at work, followed by a very autumnal walk over the common and then a trip to the hair salon for a much needed trim. My haircuts are very haphazard and if asked when I last had one I usually have no idea. "Er, I think it was some time earlier this year...", I replied when asked this today. Anyway, I had my hair washed while sitting in the massage chair, had a treatment applied and then had it cut by Chloe who did a great job. I came out feeling like a new woman. I really should go there more often!

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