Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Happy Birthday Dash!

Today is Dash's 3rd birthday! :-D I am pretty sure you all know that Dash is my bike :-P 3 years ago today I waved goodbye to my old mountain bike and said welcome to Dash! She is now a loyal companion and a best friend...sad, but true! :-P I think this was Killingworth Lake's way of saying many happy returns ;-) 

We have explored for 9500 miles, cycled 118 miles in a single day, scaled some epic hills and whizzed down some cool descents. We have cherished the sunshine and embraced the rain, caught the rays and wrapped up against the snow. 

She may not have been able to go for a birthday spin today (work and dark winter nights don't permit!) but she will be out at the weekend without shadow of a doubt. 

Thank you Dash, you've truly changed my life!

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