
By Chiara

Paper edit

Thank god for technology.

I had to step foot into the tenth circle of hell, also known as the Harold Washington Library, this evening. It was horrid. The entire first floor smelled like bum piss, but that's nothing new.

There's a little photo gallery in the back of the library on the 8th floor. Here's one of the pictures. Hmph, my version is so much better! (Acts all snobby) In all seriousness, I know you blippers will scoff at these so-called "award-winning" photos that are proudly displayed on the wall in the tenth circle of hell. No one has seen real photography until they've visited blip. It's the truth, and we all know it.

This blog post made me chuckle:

54 Types of Girls to Avoid During the Holidays

I don't understand why some of you guys (and girls) date these types of women, but you'll always have my respect for putting up with their batshit crazy behavior 24/7. Perhaps I should write a sitcom on crazy women behaving like, well, crazy women, but something of this caliber has already been produced. It's called Sex and the City. Uh, oh, I see masses of lipstick and high heels coming my way...

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