A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Raining inside

My whole body is full of streaming cold. It's disgusting.

And in case you were wondering bankers are the absolute scum of the earth and Barclays' bankers even lower than that.

Though one of the benefits of J being at home is that he is learning such valuable life lessons practically first hand (ie being in the immediate vicinity as soon as I manage to get off the phone). He tried to restore my faith in the world by pointing out how adorable Albi is. Perhaps golden retrievers should be compulsory in all banking offices. He did also suggest I get a job in a bank so I could be nice to people in a change from within approach. I pointed out that bankers have their skin ripped open and their hearts replaced by stones when they started so his plan was admirable but flawed.

Joyously it is a distractingly beautiful autumn day.

Lesley x

Day 20

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