Oldgroaners Phone&Compact

By Oldgroaner

Robin Hoods Bay from the Ravenscar/Boggle Hole Rd.

This is a favourite view of mine, the road originally served the Alum mine on the Hillside that came into being when Henry the Eighth fell out with the pope over his wanting a Divorce, who then  cut off the supply , and we were desperate for a source.
This is in fact where the British Chemical industry was born.
Alum is a Mordant, a chemical that fixes dyed colours on fabrics and essential as you can imagine!
Without it the clothing industry was in a disastrous state!
This link tells the story (Which is almost like a piece of Science Fiction!)
Alum mining at Ravenscar
These days the road goes further down the hill to a Farm and small car park, where you can take the footpath down to the beach and Boggle Hole .

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