Learning day by day

By EmmaF

St. Mary's flying the flag

Everyone slept in this morning, William until 07.20 (but then he had been very awake sobbing this morning for no discernable reason at 04.30 for a very long time), Carys until 07.40 which was good after her late night yesterday.

Both kids had three lots of breakfast! Then as Daddy had work to do and the forecast wasn't good we headed to the soft play early doors. Both of them had phases of playing nicely then niggling each other nicely. We had lunch there, which they ate very, very slowly as the tv was on and therefore had to be watched. Then we headed home.

The weather forecast turned out to be wrong again and we spent most of the afternoon in the garden. Daddy cut the grass, I sorted out the raised beds which were getting weed ridden and the kids played until a shower forced us in.

Then some Cbeebies and some athletics were watched. Tea was had and bedtime was upon us. Now to do the ironing to do and a football match to watch.

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