Stockport book awards

Last week we received a letter from orions school to tell us he had been nominated as the most improved reader at school and we were invited to the annual Stockport book awards tonight

As Orion is dyslexic and hated reading both the school (in particular Mrs Brewster) and ourselves have worked hard in pushing him to do at least 10 minutes a night and to start to enjoy it

And by doing this his reading age is really coming on

There's been lots of tears, tantrums, sulks and cross looks but it's all paid off and he's much more fluent and confident too so the nomination meant so much to us

He didn't win but it was lovely to see the winner was a good friend of mines daughter

The evening also had several authors and illustrator there as there were books nominated for different categories and Orion was so excited when he saw one was called Orion in the dark

So of course when they were on sale at the end he wanted it, it was £6 and luckily I had £6.40 in my purse lol

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