Snips and Snaps


Dean Black Brook

Short walk out today in between torrential rain, again. From the lovely village of White Coppice runs Dean Black Brook and today it was at its best. Just managed to catch this little dipper amongst the rocks before the rain drove us back to the car. This is also my 365th blip!

Well, what can I say. It's been a revelation in so many ways - a real journey of discovery of the world around me. I now see the world around me in a whole new way - the colours in the sky, the clouds provide an ever changing canvas, the raindrops (and let's face it there's been a lot of these) on a leaf, detail on a building... I could go on, but as fellow blippers you all know what I mean.

I started with what seemed the impossible challenge of uploading a picture a day for a year. It didn't really matter what that was, or so I thought. Over the year it's become important to get something that I can revisit that captures some part of my day. Technical perfection is not my main aim - as I'm sure you've noticed! Although I have improved my technique by completing an introductory photography course during the year which has left me wanting to learn more.

During the year I've also been inspired to set up my blog to add a few more pics and to share with other outdoor folk. I would never have done that without blip.

Mostly, 'though, I look forward to seeing what you blip every day and exchanging comments. I've learnt so much from looking at your blips and in one very generous blipmeet was able to benefit from the experience of two amazing contributors clickychick and Chippy. Not forgetting the support and technical expertise of Ian. Wonder of wonders I've also had two snaps hit the spotlight! Now I never thought that would happen.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and positivity. I do feel the pressure's off to blip every day now, but at the moment I'm happy to continue, so here's to the next year (did I really say that!)

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