My Attempts

By Bernydoll

Carpe diem

Our family have been gathering round as yet another cousin leaves us.  Jim left work last Wednesday and pulled over at the side of the road.  He was helped by a passer by and rushed to hospital.  His family were able to speak with him before he lost consciousness, he had suffered a damaging brain haemorrhage.  Jim has been on a ventilator since his operation last Wednesday night but M and the boys had to take the decision to remove the ventilator on Tuesday  morning and let him slip peacefully away.  While this was happening I was having my regular walk and weighing things up in my mind.  Jim's wife talked to me about how he loved to walk up their local hill to see the sunset, she wished Mr B and I a million future sunsets, and to live for the day.  It's so shocking the speed at which M and her boys have lost this special 58 year old man, and how their lives have been changed forever.
So we have now lost two very special hard working family men in the space  of two months.  Hold your families and loved ones close, and then hug them, then tell them you love them, never leave it unsaid.
I backblipped for Tuesday's reflections

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