Packhorse Bridge at Carrbridge

On my way home from Achiltibuie I called in at Carrbridge. I remembered going to the Landmark Centre there with the children, maybe thirty years ago, when there was just a small forest trail and a cafe and as I was needing a toilet stop and a coffee I thought this would just fit the bill. Much to my chagrin I found the Landmark Centre has grown into a major attractions for children and as it was the half-term holiday it was full to bursting. As my bladder was in a similar state I grabbed the first parking space I could right at the far end of the car park and high-tailed it into the woods and I wandered into a small cafe in town to meet my other need.

The packhorse bridge from which Carrbridge gets its name is the oldest one in the Highlands and I thought the incipient autumn colours added to its attraction.

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