Standing in the rain

Today's weather was the same as yesterday's. Grey, low temperature, dry when I was at work in the morning and the rain starting after lunch time. Before going back to the apartment, I stopped briefly at the pet store and instead of taking the bus, I walked home past the same area where I'd photographed the gull yesterday, hoping to find an entry there for today as well. This time the gulls had the company of not only a few Cormorants, but also a Heron and I managed to take a few photos without the camera getting too wet. I could not decide though which one to blip and eventually only picked the Heron because it has been longer since I last saw one.

Work today was easier and although not entirely free of pain yet, my left foot is now feeling better than it has done the last couple of days.

Thank you very much for all the comments and stars on yesterday's gull blip. I apologise for not being so good at commenting on other journals at the moment.

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