Qantas did good

An early start from Christchurch airport flying to Sydney. John wasn't feeling well on that flight and fortunately made it to Sydney. We arrived at the international airport and by now he was not well. Having gone through customs etc we had to take a bus over to the domestic terminal and couldn't believe the number of people crammed into it after we found the last seat. Hot and smelly and not good for J.

Things deteriorated and I couldn't see him coping with the next flight to Melbourne and found the customer service desk. I was told that by reporting the fact that J was vomiting she had to withdraw us from the flight which initially was shocking followed by relief, our bag was taken out of the system and she called for the liaison officer who arrived a few minutes later, he was lovely, made phone calls and commandeered an internal transport vehicle to take us back to gate 15 and oh dear back to the International Terminal to the medical centre on that bus. But this time the bus only carried 4 of us, almost pleasant. We found the doctor and after filling in a form J was seen straightaway, given a check up, asked a few questions and given a jab and a prescription. We paid up and given a clearance form allowing him to fly. Back to the domestic T to see what to do next. John's insides improved but he felt and looked awful.

That clearance form was essential during the next hour of checking in again etc etc and a seat was found for an afternoon flight to Melbourne allowing a few hours for J to steady himself. He coped with the flight and the half hour drive to my cousin in Melbourne. We haven't met before and previously planned to spend an hour to say hello, to catch up next week. However she suggested we stay the night to make sure J was ok, great thinking.
All in all I felt Qantas did a good job, generally the process was smooth enough once I realised john couldnt fly, the moving backwards and forwards between terminals wasn't good but unavoidable.
And an added note: we met the lovely liaison guy later on and apparently the flight we were due to go on in the morning didnt take off, it had a problem and taxied back to the terminal.

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