
By LadyPride


You may wonder what this picture is. I have a confession, I didn't take any pics yesterday but Squidge played a game on my phone and made this picture - so it's all I have! She's still a little unsettled from the hospital trip, it seems to have manifested itself in a really grumpy mood this week.

Tough day for me too. My hormones (or 'mones' as Angus and I now refer to them) are playing up and it's really affecting me again.

In some good news, I found out we had won an amazing piece of work with a company that has offices in London, NY and Edinburgh. The one I pitched for on Monday. It's typical as have booked a holiday in a week and now we are stupid, crazy busy at work.

Spent the day working on another huge consumer PR pitch for next week. I want to win this one so badly and have pulled out all the stops - mood boards, research, mocked-up packaging. I've spent a small fortune. The last time I did this for a pitch like this we didn't get it, there seems to be an irony in that. Hope I haven't cursed it!

Got together with the team in the Northern Quarter. The plan was to practice our pitch for next week and then grab a bite to eat. Which we did but I got my migraine and nausea special so ended up being put in a taxi home (long taxi ride). Rotten rotten 'mones.

Squidge cheered me up by coming into bed for a cuddle at 3am and we woke up together the next morning. It's like she knew I needed it!

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