
By momcat1

Sunset snack

I started out planning to do one of my usual walks and took the camera, in spite of the black clouds that materialized and were taking over the sky. I got sidetracked immediately by the cackles of robins coming from my neighbors tree. I tried to edge closer and the robins took off for the higher trees and were replaced by the cedar waxwings. There were a number of different calls ringing from the trees , many I did not recognize. A carolina wren stopped briefly just as I decided I better get a move on before it rained. I did spot one bird I have not seen before , which courtesy of being able to blow up the photo 100% ( I had the 300mm) we were able to identify as a savanna sparrow. Sparrows all look alike to me so I am glad I had the camera or I would have mis -identified it as a song sparrow. The extra is a ( very cropped ) robin in the same tree. Stopping for a snack on their way south,their version of gasoline or electricity!

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