Polaroid/Blipfoto Buddy Anniversary Program

From your sixth blip birthday onwards Polaroid/Blipfoto have decided to pair their anniversary member with another more affluent member. The blip buddy has to bring them out and pour into them copious amounts of alcohol. Raheny who had only recently turned on his location part of the app was paired with me.  He choose the plush imbibing emporium O’Loughlins in Dun Laoghaire. Raheny showed me the wonderful photographic book that he has made of life on the Dart (Dublin Archaic Transport System). The conversation was mighty and the craic (Irish for fun not the other thing) was ninety. He told me he has teamed up with Richard Boyd Barrett (People before Profit) for photographic purposes. Poor Richard just when his star was in the ascendency.

Anyway everything was going well until Raheny took out his well battered calculator. He was slightly over budget he said so we had to repair to The Forty Foot run by Wetherspoon where the pint is only one Euro and a bottle is something like fifty cents.  I was only getting into the feel of the place when I saw Raheny looking at his wallet and calculator again. He called up the train timetable on his smartphone and told me my train was in two minutes.   I immediately ran down the stairs and past the much needed toilets without stopping. I gave a glance behind me and saw his beaming shiny face at the second floor window. He tipped his glass to me. When I arrived at the platform it said that the train had another thirty minutes before its arrival.

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