Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Cold Morning in Washington

When I got up this morning, there were beautiful clouds and had hoped that they would stick around to allow for a dramatic sunrise.  I headed in to DC around 5:45 AM, parked, and set up my camera at the base of the reflecting pool.  By the time I got a chance to take my first photo, most of the clouds had disappeared.  Thankfully the color was really good about 40 minutes before sunrise so I at least was able to walk away with something decent.  
Fall is really beginning to show it's presence. Temps were in the 40's when I was out this morning and will only get in the mid-fifties this afternoon.  Temps are expected to drop below freezing tonight.  

Hope you are having a great weekend and that you are glad to see that my camera can still take pictures of things other than Tabitha, squirrels, and birds!  

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