
It was an effort to get out of bed and drag ourselves up to the "Leithers don't Litter" big autumn clean-up. We were issued with bags, long-handled nippers and tabards and split up into sub-groups with maps. Think the organisers were a bit ambitious in their estimation of how much ground we might cover in 2.5 hours - we only managed the bit of Leith Walk from the foot up to where we turned off down Gordon Street which occupied us for a long time. Then a little bit of Halmyre and Thorntree Sts.....seven bags of rubbish between the eight of us.

The photo shows several of the team (including three blippers!) tackling the prickly bushes on Gordon St, which harboured unbelievable quantities of disgusting things.

Tottered home via Lidl, feeling tired but virtuous!

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