Uncle, Mum and Piggy

Lady Charlotte Beagledad is a big name for a small pup. Her nickname is Wriggle Pig as she looks like a guinea pig doesn't keep still, given her dining habits it's become Piggy or Little Pig.

What a walk today! We wanted to go to Rye nature reserve which would be too long for Emily to leave Piggy. Decision made, Piggy comes too. Delighted to say she tolerated the drive without issue tucked up with Emily in the mesh crate while the boys travelled in the boot.

Once at the nature reserve I tucked her into my hoody pouch pocket inside my coat while I rode my granny scooter. Wriggle Pig lived up to her name by crawling up my tummy making me the nutter riding round giggling as she tickled me up to my sleeve.

Unfortunately for us we arrived just as the Schnauzer club were walking back to the car park. We passed approximately 50 of them within a quarter mile stretch. It was a bit crazy to say the least. We got shouted at twice by other dog walkers for Emily's barking and Dave's over friendliness. (Not the Schnauzer club, they were all polite and considerate)

Once we'd got through that, the rest of the walk was good although chuffing cold. My shoulder was really warm where Wriggle Pig was snuggled in to the sheepskin lining.

Tired dogs were pleased to see the car again and didn't object to waiting in the car while we went to the cafe to warm up.

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