Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


We had a choice today, to join the throng in welcoming the Olympic torch as it passed through the town, a once in a lifetime experience, something to regale to my Grandchildren in my twilight years, or go shopping, take a guess what the lady of the house decided!
Harrogate was warm & windy, the shops as far as I could tell were the same as they always are and yet the spouse still took forever to buy nothing, on the plus side I did get the chance to visit St Peters Church in the centre of the town, often I've walked past it but never thought to pop in for a look around, what a discovery, it has recently been renovated both inside and out and what a wonderful jobs been made, well worth a visit and a haven of peace when your feet get sore from trudging the streets in serch of something she will actually purchase rather than just try on.

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